
Trio 9R5DS (boxed) with Trio speaker

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I first purchased one of these back in 1971 then costing £50 a lot of money for a 15 year old who was earning just £5 per week. So why one of these, simple, superb selectivity due to the Colins mechanical filter very good sensitivity and great value for the money . A continuous coverage from 550 Khz to 30 Mhz with SSB reception and band spread for the Amateur bands with S meter and noise filter fitted. Despite Trio's advertising quote" Unusually stable operation is obtained through special design and shielding" its like a political advertisement , would you believe it, No, but for broadcast reception its brilliant on SSB you have to adjust the reception, but even with this its a great all round short wave receiver and that is why they were very popular with Hams and short wave enthusiasts even today. They offer a great retro style which still looks smart.

This radio is like new clean inside and out with full original instructions and all original boxes still present

This radio has been taken apart, re-aligned , all the valves have been fully tested and where like new . The I.F 455 Khz re-aligned and the RF sections for each band has been fully calibrated and set up as to the original specification, its just like it was some 40 plus years ago, brings back some happy memory's.

The radio has been cleaned and comes complete with its original box and operating instructions, and looks just months old with 6 months guarntee. Though there was room Trio never fitted an internal loud speaker to these and therefore there is on the back a 4 or 8 Ohm external loud speaker terminal . Trio offered a matching speaker SP-5DS as an extra, this is supplied to compliment this radio.

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I will have vintage and period Turntables for sale. I can also advise or service or restore your own.

As my website has been updated, there are photo's which are rather low quality, these will be updated soon.

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